To get started in ham radio, you can follow these steps:
1. Study
Study materials for the FCC test and license can cost less than $40. You can find study materials in books, audio books, websites, apps, and videos. You can also take a class from a local group. The Technician License Exam is the first test you’ll want to take and requires about 10 hours of study. To pass, you need to answer at least 74% of the 35 questions correctly.
2. Take the test
You can find a local club to host a testing session. As of June 2021, some testing is also available online.
3. Get a radio
A basic radio can cost less than $200, but you can also find used equipment at ham radio flea markets. Some recommended equipment includes a transceiver, power supply, VHF/UHF antenna, HF wire antenna, mobile transceiver, mobile dual band antenna, and mobile antenna mount.
4. Socialize
Join a local radio club, where you can get help from other hams.
5. Make contact
To start a contact, you can call “CQ” or respond to someone else calling CQ. Before calling CQ, listen to find an unoccupied frequency.