What are Digital Modes?

Digital modes in ham radio allow operators to connect their computer to their radio to send text and pictures to each other. The computer’s data, such as text or images, is converted into numbers, which are then modulated or converted into sound. The sound is then sent to the radio through an audio cable. 

Some digital modes for ham radio include:
  • FT8: A popular mode for award chasing and working DX
  • Packet: Transmits data in groups of 10s or 100s of bytes, similar to the internet
  • PSK31: A keyboard-to-keyboard mode that can communicate effectively at low power and occupies small bandwidths
  • RTTY: The original keyboard-to-keyboard mode, based on the 5-bit Baudot code
  • JT65: A mode that uses forward error correction through data redundancy, so messages can still get through even if some data doesn’t 
Other digital modes include:
Pactor, Clover, MFSK, Olivia, Throb, DominoEX, MT63, Thor, and AMTOR. 

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