Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS) is a digital communication system used by amateur radio operators to share information in real time. APRS data can include GPS coordinates, weather station telemetry, text messages, and other information. This data can be displayed on a map, which can show stations, objects, tracks of moving objects, weather stations, search and rescue data, and direction finding data.
APRS is a well-known technology among hams and has many applications, including emergency communications, tracking, and weather reporting. For example, at ham fests or races, people can use APRS to publish their location information based on a simple mapping and a published mapper diagram.
Network overview. APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System), is a digital communications protocol for exchanging information among a large number of stations covering a large (local) area, often referred to as “IP-ers”. As a multi-user data network, it is quite different from conventional packet radio.